
Despre convivium

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Pana acum convivium au fost create 4 articole pentru blog.

Satul Criț/Deutsch Kreuz

mai 23rd, 2015|

25 km from Sighisoara and 20 km from Rupea, in the middle of Tarnava tableland, Deutschekreuz (Kreuz) Criţ/Szaszkeresztur, is part of an exceptional region dominated by Saxon settlements certificated in XIII-XIV Century. Six of these villages are today protected Unesco sites. Saschiz, Biertan, Sighisoara Old City and Viscri are few of them and in proximate […]

Hanklish (Lichiu)

mai 23rd, 2015|

I didn’t know about it till I got in Crit. Originally Saxon, it was quikly assimilated by everyone, wining the test of time through history. This is the local traditional desert for all hollidays and feasts in the region. As simple as it sounds, it surprise you with the combination of textures and flavours.
My neighbour […]